Friday, May 1, 2009


What is dharma? Dharma is what we do in the world, it is action, contribution.

But it is more than just working a job or business. Dharma is unique to each of us. We each bring something to the world that only we can bring. The problem is we don’t believe that we have anything to offer. Or we shrink from putting ourselves out there…and really, we only shrink from it because we don’t believe it. Our faith is elsewhere. And yet, if you are still breathing, there is a reason you are…something you are supposed to share, or want to share, or need to share.

I remember a dream I had in which a voice from somewhere posed the question, “What would have happened if Jesus hadn’t shared his truth?” I woke immediately crying. I was so astonished by the very thought! Think about it. He could have easily told himself, “I can’t do that.” “Those people won’t like what I have to say.” “I just want to sleep in today.” And it left with me filled with so much gratitude that he did share and the strong urge to likewise share my truth.

I recently read that when we use our gifts in this world, without apology, we free others to use theirs. Imagine what this world would be like if each of us had the courage, faith, and generosity to bring ourselves fully into the world as a gift. So, I ask you now, what light are you hiding under a bush? What is it you have to say? What is your contribution? And what is keeping you from knowing the answers to these questions or from sharing these gifts right now?

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