If I only had a camera, you could gaze upon me in my flowing embroidered clothes from many lands and see me hold a very special sceptor that I found walking near a vortex in Sedona. I have laid out my alter of golden cloth which I purchased at Walmart and spread my ancient sacred styrofoam balls that I saved from my neighbors garbage can on top. I now light this candle infused and connected with the flame of Saint Zoomba to bring forth the divine hollyhock essence of the 9th order of ascended green light masters who has given me a very important message to share with you all. Please open your minds and hearts to receive this crucial information at this very important time in the evolution of humanity. I'm sure you will be as awed and inspired as I am by the depth of this message:
Greetings, earthlings. I speak to you through the being known as Dielle, decked out in her spiritual finery, because she's one, too embarassed to say these things herself and two, thinks no one will listen to her or believe in what she says if it's just her saying it...besides, she doesn't really have much to say. She just likes being different and loves your attention...and as long as she sticks to the obvious, no one can fault her. I know your hearts are weary of the confusion in the world, and you seek the support of wise ones in other worlds and times. We are here and you are not alone, so give all your faith and power to us lest you claim your own. Let not the nonbelieving naysayers and ignorant skeptics drag you down. They simply don't vibrate at your level. And heed this very important message from the ancient realms of Diggydog:
Let's twist again. Like we did last summer. Come on, let's twist again. Like we did last year. Let us all chant this mantra together...Oh, and love is all that matters. Thank you.
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