Cymatics reveals to us how vibration creates form. It reveals to us our birth, for we too, like the sand, are subject to vibration. Some unseen, unheard song is creating us...singing us into being. We are the sand upon the vibrating plate taking shape into our existence believing we are the peaks and points that take forn...believing we are this or that. And sometimes, we get stuck. We freeze in a familiar formation and say, "I am this." In reality, we are meant to be maleable, moldable, and at the mercy of the Great Sound. For if this great sound were to cease or be disrupted, these mighty houses we've constructed would disperse like so many grains of sand flung to the wind. Something is conscious of us and listening as it plays upon the instruments we are. It takes delight in the cocophony, an orchestration so grand it is far beyond our contemplation. It is masterful, elegant, swift, and awesome. It is the Song of the Universe, and still more. It is our Composer, and one who Loves beyond conditions, beyond the beyond.
If the law of "as above, so below" holds true, then we too are composers. We too sing songs that breathe shape into reality. But are we listening? Are we paying attention to the composition we create? What is our rhythm? What is the order we sing out of chaos? Are we in harmony with the Great Sound? With the words we speak, do we breed forgiveness or hatred? Do we give form to self-pity and blame or maturity and wisdom? Do we relinquish our masterpiece to our reasoning minds, ignoring the awkward thud that deflates our spirit? Do we allow the voices of others to influence our melody with fear or with hope? What are the consequences to our choices? You see, we are in the in-formation age. Our reality is forming based on the vibration of our thoughts, feelings, and actions...and based on the overwhelming amounts of information constantly being fed to us.
Someone is ALWAYS listening. What are you saying? In essence, our words do not matter. They are but sand upon a plate. You are the vibration that stirs the sand. You are the energy that forms the peaks and points and geometic patterns. Where is your faith? In the words with the meanings that have been told to you, in the words themselves, or in your own musicianship? Can an artist infuse hatred with love, fear with love, resentment with love, violence with love? Yes! Reclaim the symbols (agreements) and Be Love, sing love, create love, perpetuate love. Make sure the music that everyone hears in your presence is the Divine Song, no matter what.
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