Monday, May 18, 2009


Each of us is like a kaleidoscope. With just a turn of circumstance or a change of mind or heart, we make such amazing patterns, each of us unique and brilliant. When we are in flow with life, the image of ourselves is fluid and ever-transforming like the images one sees when one turns the dial of the kaleidoscope. But what tends to happen to us? We fixate on an idea of who we are and all that we could be becomes stuck into one fixed image. I am like this. I am like that. I can’t do this. I don’t do that. Yet each of us has so much untapped potential…so many gradients of colorful expressions. What will it take to explore all your colors and let them show?

Imagine walking through life as if you were looking at everything through a kaledioscope. Everything would shift and move before you could pin it down.

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