Monday, January 19, 2009

God is a Rubix Cube: My Mythology of the Day

Here is my silly mythology of the day. Remember the Rubix Cube, that funky multi-colored puzzle popular in the 80's? I woke up last night at 12:30AM with a perfect Rubix Cube being dropped into my consciousness. It drifted in like a feather surrounded by light and came with a feeling of Divine grace.

Last night, I held a gathering at my house. We discussed the question, "What is next?" in terms of spirituality. More importantly though, we stopped discussing at one point and just sat still. I believe that collective stillness is what delivered an opening that would then infuse my night with the message of the Rubix answer (not the answer, but an answer) to our question.

Might the Rubix be a symbol of spirituality, of what our oneness really means, of where we are headed? Right now, humanity is a jumbled puzzle, the Divine Rubix spun out of whack by our self-importance and thought-driven decisions. It isn't that we're wrong, just that we're capable of something much more amazing, though we might not see our own potential. Yet changes are happening that we can liken to a cosmic turn of the cube. Strangers are being brought together. New questions are being asked. Challenges are bringing in new energeies and new directions. Rows of color are aligning.

Just as we get one side together though, when we turn the cube, we realize the rest of it is a mess. Some of us quickly flip back to the neat side ignoring the jumble beneath. Others of us think WE have to DO something. So we start thinking again. Turn here. Move there. This is right. That's not. We work on this new side only to realize we no longer have the first side complete. Or we dig in our heels and refuse be turned...that one stubborn red block on the yellow side. This is a metaphor not only for the collective, but for each individual as well. Cubes upon dizzying cubes.

But there is a greater benevolent force at work. There's something mysterious going on in the center of that cube! What's next is to trust it. As we allow ourselves to be turned, surrendering to a greater intelligence and broader plan than our ego can conceive, we begin to align. As we trust and allow, we begin to witness a "lighting up" of the grid of colors on the cube until that pivotal moment when that last turn is made and all six sides align, and like a key unlocking a gateway, we ascend. (By the way, I have no idea what ascension might mean or look like; I'm using that word to point to the mysterious passage for which we are headed.)

As we love and respect those different sides of ourselves, those people who think nothing like we do, those people who are so close to being "acceptable" if only they would change one thing, and those we keep close because they reflect us so perfectly...if we loved and respected all, we would align those sides of ourselves and begin to see the perfection of the whole. Maybe. I guess it depends on one's idea of "love and respect."

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