Tuning Forks
Tuning forks, similar to those used to tune a piano, are also used as instruments of healing. One system of using tuning forks called Acutonics is similar to acupuncture, but rather than inserting needles, special tuning forks are used along the meridians, or energy pathways, of the body. The vibrations created by the tuning forks are received through the body recalibrating organs and cells and bringing about a healthy vitality and restored balance.
Individualized Compositions & Specialized Equipment
Many sound healing practitioners are skilled musicians and improvisationalists able to bring forth music that is created specifically for an individual, group of individuals, or a specific intent such as “world peace” or “DNA activation” either live, in CD form, or both. This music can then be used by an individual for meditation, movement, or relaxation. The personalized intent behind the music continues to work with all levels of the listener’s consciousness, bringing about the realization of that intent often first by clearing that which is preventing it and then by supporting its unfoldment. The benefits of such music composed especially for healing can be accentuated through the use of specialized sound healing environments and tools. Sound tables, similar to massage tables, contain specifically placed audio equipment to deliver sounds directly to the body and are sometimes enhanced by sacred geometric design or highly resonant materials such as gemstones or copper. Sound chambers, specially designed rooms, some using light as well as sound, further heighten and intensify the delivery of sounds to the body.
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