Tuesday, December 30, 2008


A woman and her daughter were climbing the mountain gathering herbs and medicinal plants. The daughter nearly tripped over a half buried stone as they passed through a hollow, and stubbing her toe, she yelled out in pain, "Oooww!!"

Just then, the daughter heard a cry from the other side of the hollow, "Oooww!!"

Curious, the daughter yelled into the hollow, "Who is there?" to which came the reply "Who is there?"

This made the daughter indignant, thinking someone was playing a cruel game, so she yelled, "You are nothing to me!" And the voice answered in kind, "You are nothing to me!"

The daughter caught up with her mother who was some distance ahead humored by what was happening.

"Daughter," the woman said, "Pay attention!" Then the mother yelled, "You are beautiful!" to which the voice replied, "You are beautiful!" Then the mother yelled, "I love you!" and the voice echoed back, "I love you!"

The mother explained to her open mouthed daughter that the voice is known as Echo, but truly it is the voice of life. "Life always gives back to us what we put out, a mirror of our thoughts, words, and deeds. If you want to have a friend, be one. If you want compassion, give it. If you desire others to be patient and respectful of you, give your patience and respect to them. This is the law."

Happy New Year!

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