Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Sound of Not Knowing

I’ve been to a lot of workshops, various services, and numerous events in my life. They have been wonderful. But they have been identical. So many are based on the premise that we are not enough. They assume that the present moment is somehow lacking.

What would happen if we all stopped talking about what we know, what we think we should know, and what we don’t know and paused in silence? And what would happen if out of that silence arose a sound of unknowing from deep within? And what if we each opened our mouths and let that sound come pouring out joining together in a collective sound honoring the mystery of life?

Let’s stop talking about how spiritual we are. Let’s stop reminding ourselves that we are powerful and just be that. Let’s stop talking about all the inner work we’ve been doing and start being. Let’s stop trying to prove that we are love. Let’s stop trying, period. Let’s simply remember and get on with living.


Anonymous said...

Lovely, Dielle. I struggle daily with surrendering to that which is -- constantly analyzing and second guessing and making my life a living hell because I can't get comfortable with not knowing. If I could only accept not knowing -- accept the mystery -- would that not free up all my energy to actually live life?

visionary12 said...

I love the mystery - totally agree.