The power of sound, words, and music to shift our consciousness and change our reality.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Need Perspective?
Load this and use the blue slider at the bottom of the image.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Tree of Lies
by Robert Anton Wilson
"Is it is possible to use language to undo the hallucinations created by language? The task seems impossible, but Zen riddles, Sufi jokes, the works of Aleister Crowley, and a few heroic efforts by philosophers such as Nietzsche and Wittgenstein seem able to jolt readers awake--shake them out of the hypnosis of words. The following book by Dr. Hyatt [The Tree of Lies] also makes that gallant effort to use words to transcend words. Success in this field does not depend on the author alone, however. It requires not only the right words, but the right reader at the right time, before the shock and awakening can occur." Read more
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Day Before Disclosure Now Available
A new, very intelligently done documentary on the possibility of Extraterrestrial life and UFO's. What do YOU think?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Love Between the Covers
Monday, November 15, 2010
Faith Moves Mountains and Cures Disease
Well, I'm not startled. The medical world is slow in coming to the realization that our beliefs are more powerful than anything! This is just "common shamanism." Congratulations doctors. You've discovered what the ancients have always known.
Startled by the power of placebos, doctors consider how to use them as real treatment
2010-05-09, Boston Globe
You’re not likely to hear about this from your doctor, but fake medical treatment can work amazingly well. For a range of ailments, from pain and nausea to depression and Parkinson’s disease, placebos--whether sugar pills, saline injections, or sham surgery--have often produced results that rival those of standard therapies...more
Monday, November 8, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Another Great Video from Julian Treasure
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Cricket Song
Everything that has breath ought to praise Him.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Sound Health through Sound with Julian Treasure
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
10/10/10 Sound File
A Shaman's Guide to Deep Beauty with Francis Rico
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Deepest Musical Note Ever Heard
The Deepest Note
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
It is a struggle for me to speak out about the war because I would never want to offend my nephew nor dishonor his sacrifice. And his sacrifice is so valiant...because it is innocent. He really believes he is protecting his loved ones from terrorists and religious persecution. He is young. He trusts authority. He believes the stories they tell to justify secrecy, violence, and killing, and he doesn't yet see behind the veil they've so carefully woven to the absolute hippocracy of war. I sometimes wonder if it is better he never do, for his sense of betrayal will be fierce.
He tells me he wants me to be safe from "them". It warms me, his desire to protect. It is so beautiful. The absolute irony is that I am far more in fear of my own country and its corrupted leaders than of any foreign body of people and their beliefs. I am more in fear of a system so topsy-turvy and confused that it's got us all numb, silent, and in a perpetual state of disbelief and inaction.
I am afraid of the threats we continually ignore as we pour our energies into sustaining those we only imagine.
I pray for my nephew's life every day. I pray that he gets to experience a life free from fear, bigotry, fanaticism, and the horrors of war. And I hope one day, he is in a position to change the world in a way that makes it safe for every human life...not an "us" or "them"...a life in which our constitution is more than a set of token symbols we convince ourselves we experience while all the while surrounded by corruption, slavery, and suffering. I hope he lives justice, freedom and happiness.
I know he has it in him to be great, to take what he experiences, question it, and some day make his mark. And I know being called upon to stand up for unacknowledged truths, he will do it, even at the risk of being ostracized and humiliated, even if threatened with his life, because he has already proven himself a man of courage and honor, just not with the luxury of having chosen his own beliefs. When he begins to discover his own, look out world!
God bless soldiers everywhere doing what they believe is right. Awaken. Awaken. Awaken.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Music as Intended
"In a simple but extraordinarily conclusive experiment, it was demonstrated that the sounds produced in low tuning (C=256HZ) have a greater abundance of overtones. The result: The sounds have more color, and their volume and carrying capacity are greater." To read more: Retuning C
My question is, what was the rationale for ever changing our tunings in the first place!?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Life of an Idea
The Life of an Idea
A very powerful, utterly profound, gently mind-shattering podcast from Gary van Warmerdam of Pathways to Happiness.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
3 Steps to Freeing Your Voice
I recently met a woman who near broke into tears just speaking with me about what I do. Just talking about singing and expressing herself freely was enough to ignite her deepest fears underneath which hid her deepest longings.
Why are we so frightened by our own voices? Why do we judge the way we sound on an answering machine? What is that fear that keeps our mouths so tightly closed when we really, really want to speak? Why do we deny ourselves the joy of singing along? Maybe you don't. Maybe you've managed to break through the myriad inhibiting beliefs, and you've set your voice free. But if you haven't been one of the lucky ones, then what?
So, first, the whys. And then on to the "then what?"
At some point in our lives, we have experienced "the clamp". It is a defining moment or moments when we learned it simply wasn't safe to open our mouths. Either we were yelled at or physically abused, ostracized, or humiliated for something we said. Regardless of the details of the situation, we realized that we could instantly lose love by something as simple as making a sound.
And then, along the way, we come to realize that we can also use our voice to stir a bit of trouble. We can speak words that trigger others...sometimes hurting those we love most. We learn that we have a rather interesting power at our disposal. Yield it one way, and it becomes a deadly weapon. Yield it another, and it is a fine tool. Either way, it is something over which we must exert the utmost control. Or so we believe.
And hence, the fear we have so complex and intertwined with so many of our root beliefs that it is quite a challenge to free ourselves from our self-imposed prisons. But we can free ourselves. We must free ourselves! Because our voice is our power to create and express Life!
Step One
So the first step in overcoming our fear is an assessment of where we stand now. Do you like the sound of your voice? If not, why not? Do you allow yourself to speak up? In what kinds of situations do you "clamp it". Do you sing? Where and how? And if not, why not? What do you believe about how you sound? Is it true? Who says? Do you want your freedom?
Step Two
Once you answer "yes" to that last question, you can take the next step of watching yourself. This is a period in which you know you want to change, but you don't hold unrealistic expectations for yourself. You simply watch yourself repeating old habits. You are learning the lay of the land, so to speak, so you can figure out where to take action in the next step.
Step Three
Once you become aware, then you can begin to take steps to change your habits. Take baby steps if necessary. Hum along to the songs that play while you grocery shop. Sing along to your music collection as loud as you dare. Allow yourself to say "ouch!" when you bump your elbow. Keep saying it until the pain goes away. Keep moving into your fear, and you'll find it evaporating like fog. The light of your voice will lead you to the other side.
And what's there? You'll find immense joy and pleasure. You'll find a liberty and strength within you you never knew existed. You'll find that you are a creative being with a beautiful voice!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Greg Braden on Consciousness
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Love Bombs Anyone?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Another Brilliant Peter Brooks Film
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Speaking in Tongues
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Vocal Toning as a Universal Language
Now imagine that one little cell in your finger suddenly becomes aware. It recognizes itself, it hears the music created by all the other nearby tissues, and then, in a miraculous moment, it sees a heart cell across the gap beyond space and time. It sees that little heart cell, and it is in awe and in love. It listens to the rhythm of the heart cell enraptured. It's still doing it's little finger cell job. But now, it knows that there is more to life than it realized.
Now imagine that the little heart cell feels the love coming from the finger cell and that that love is enough to awaken that heart cell. And across the great divide of time and space, the heart cell witnesses the finger cell. They see each other in a moment...across a crowded body full of cells just doing their jobs. They don't know each others' language. But they begin to play with one another. The finger cell vibrates "ta da" and the heart cell answers "ba dump". Slowly, a conversation develops.
As this communication becomes more musical, more and more cells begin to awaken within this same body. And soon, cells in the toes are making beautiful music with cells in the liver. Then cells in the kidneys compose a delightful melody with cells in the lungs and blood. Soon, the body is an orchestration of awareness and aliveness. There is a communication happening, an exchange, an honoring. What would that feel like? Can you imagine the energy, the excitement, the joy?
We humans are little cells in the much larger system of Humanity. We are even smaller cells in the system of the Earth. But if we can learn to see across time and space and our limited, known existence, we too can see other parts of ourselves for the first time. We too can begin to communicate musically with all that is, enhancing not only our own awareness but making it easier for others to awaken as well.
The practice of toning is an opportunity to communicate across time and space and left brain knowing. It is our chance to send out musical messages, vibrational greetings, to the many, many parts of ourselves of which we are only partly aware...if we are aware at all. But if we are not, toning will make us so. When we tone, we learn to listen and pay attention. And we learn to contribute uniquely, with awareness, to the greater whole. This is a communication beyond words and languages and the division that these create. It is universal.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Psychology of Music
Friday, May 21, 2010
More on the Healing Power of Music
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Cymatics Wonders
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Music Heals
"The use of music in therapy for the brain has evolved rapidly as brain-imaging techniques have revealed the brain’s plasticity—its ability to change—and have identified networks that music activates. Armed with this growing knowledge, doctors and researchers are employing music to retrain the injured brain..." more
Friday, April 23, 2010
What Else Can We Sing Away?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Listen to Symbols Woven with Love
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Give & Take
Monday, March 29, 2010
Mixed Messages
I seem to be have been born with a cloaking device or scrambler in place that has made any readings, predictions, or prophecies others made about me pretty far off base, enough to give me absolutely no faith in psychics. I've also come to realize I have a personal truth gauge as that I can trust. When I hear the truth, it's like every light on a string up my spine lights up. When I hear opinion, projection, or distortions of truth (my own or someone else's), my guts twist.
And I think that's part of my message. We don't need to and in fact are not generally served by investing our faith in what others tell us, teach us, or say about us. Of course, there are those rare masters, true gems, who can use words so artfully that they do no disservice to truth, rather they ground it. In any moment, Spirit provides us images, feelings, and perceptions. That experience is the truth. Our own interpretation is always less powerful if not completely distorted. So why remove our experience one step further from truth by allowing others to hook us with their stories and interpretations about us? No one can interpret our reality for us. How could they? Yet, if we give them that power, we risk losing our own message...and ourselves.
Again and again, in spiritual circles, I hear the same message. We need to change and evolve, we need to be different, free of anger, free of pain, more this, less that. I hear that we need to connect with the Divine or receive this or that blessing, experience, or teaching. I hear that true unconditional love is rare and not experienced every day. I hear that by sheer will alone we can have everything and anything we want right now, if we only do it right.
Maybe. But personally, I'm not sure I like that story. I prefer the story that says we are fine just as we are. There's nothing to change, no need to be different, and there's no way to be better than the perfection we already are. Anger is just as beautiful as joy, and there's nothing wrong with pain. There's no need to connect with what we already are; the divinity is inside, not out. Unconditional love is everywhere because it is the stuff of the dreams we live in. Breathe in and we experience it. And whatever we have or don't have, we always have what we need. If something doesn't appear in life, it is not because of some internal flaw or state of mind. There's nothing wrong with us. It's all okay. Every choice is beautiful and equal...though maybe some are more pleasurable than others.
To me, that feels SO much better, kinder, truer. Care to join me in that dream?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Music and Spirituality
"Music is a powerful tool for cultivating community and a powerful drug that allows you to reach states of ecstasy without the come-down, writes Justin St. Vincent. Music resonates within the human spirit. At the heart of humanity is a song of the soul. The spiritual significance of music can transcend communities, cultures, and creeds...more
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Consciousness & the Internet
Internet as a Symbol of Growing Oneness
"We need to be awake to the real potential and purpose of the Internet: what it really means for humanity as a whole to be given this degree of interconnectivity. At the present time it is primarily used (and at times misused) for accessing information and communication. But it has the potential to create patterns of interrelationship that will form the network for a global consciousness and unity. The real potential of the Internet belongs to this new flow of consciousness throughout the planet..." read on
Monday, February 15, 2010
Music: Better than Sex?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Fractals & Music
For more about the potentials of fractals for healing, visit Quantum K and download the free chapter, Fractal Geometry, from the manual.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Consciousness through Music
We are in challenging times. It is more important than ever to keep our attention focused in positive ways. This is an article from Visionary Music, shared here to help spread their work.
January 1996 – In the beginning . . . the Word. This Word was experienced as a vibration -- a sound or MUSIC. This music carried with it information for all beings to utilize and access through their physical organs of sensing. Through eons of time, this method of obtaining information was lost which created disharmony among the people of the planet Earth. They became consumed by the world of matter and gave their power to these new gods. These gods were creative in the illusions of their magic, and the sheep began to sleep -- Deeeeep Sleeeep.
The awakening time is NOW and those able to hear the Word/Vibration/Sound/Music will once again claim their birthright to emerge as the healers of the planet - the Shamans are back. We must reawaken that which was lost while we were in this deep sleep. The knowledge and information age is here and those ready and able to tune in will be the leaders of this new World -- the strong and aware will survive this transition with ease. All information is not linear, contrary to what we learned while in Sleeeep mode. Information is multi-dimensional and can be obtained through many mediums and channels finformation. All music is created through the intent (consciously or unconsciously) of the composer/musician -- music with consciousness is music that has the power to transform & inform the listener to awaken these dormant lines of communication. Along with the conscious intent of an aware listener, this power can be released and new connections to non-linear forms of information enhanced.
Planet Earth is currently in varying states of chaos, turmoil & destruction. The vibration coming from all sources connected to this current of information continues to churn out more and more of the same -- hoping to keep the masses in Deeeeeep Sleeeeep (fear). The Beings who control this energy feed off this vibration and need for it to continue in order for them to survive and prosper. Your participation in this energy gives them food and nourishment and allows them to gather more power. You become in essence - fodder.
Those who have touched the higher vibrations and have connected to the source of peace, love & harmony are the Shamans -- here now to re-awaken the rest of humanity. There are resistances against achieving and maintaining this connection, the path is layered with twists and turns - struggle and frustration. Refuse to believe in this thoughtform -- YOU have a Choice, exert your FREE WILL. In order to sustain the higher vibrations, one must clean out the dark closets of the past with conscious awareness. This process takes many years once a being awakens to first Light. It can also be very painful, as for the first time in eons you will reexperience many things with full feelings. You are not alone, there is peace on the other side - have FAITH. The commitment must be solid and sure. There is no room for un-truth and falsehood in these higher realms. The truth always rises to the top.
On the dark side, it appears much easier to exist, because they have taught you to be numb and unaware of what is really going on around you. The truth is that you are a pawn in a game in which you will never ultimately win - you are a puppet who fulfills their need for energy/food -- fodder. Get out now.
In order to stay awake, you will continually need to reinforce your connection to Light. There are so many ways offered to you in this time to do this: music, drumming circles, spiritually-focused healing sessions, massage/bodywork, books & tapes, workshops, positive, supportive focused groups, centers, etc. Support your Evolution in all that you do - All that you DO! Just DO it!
Lesson 1 -- learn to practice discernment of the teachers that you meet along the way - practice opening your feeling centers and trust your emerging intuitive abilities. The days of the gurus and false prophets are gone, the truth is within each on of you -- DISCOVER IT. All lessons do not have to be learned the hard way - Evolution is eminent, suffering is optional.
We, Shapeshifter, have come here now to share with you one of the most powerful tools you will be offered in this space/time sequence -- Cyber-Shamanic Music -- Higher Consciousness Music for the Creative Evolution of your Soul. This music is not new in the overall scope of the Universe, however, it may be new to many of you discovering the healing/transformational power of music for the first time. The secrets to its power is in the non-linear way it is presented. You are a multi-dimensional being, therefore your tools should reflect the same complexities.
The power in the music as with any spiritual discipline is in direct relation to the development of the shaman. This is the first place of discernment that you must look at when choosing any teacher that you are asking to guide your soul. It is better to stand back and observe for a while, rather than blindly jumping forth. Feel into the energy, let your inner self tell you what is right and what is wrong.
To begin to understand the hows & whys of our musical expression, we will share with you some theories that will offer some further thought.
Everything in the Universe vibrates. Everything could be measured with an oscilloscope and shown to have some degree or level of electron activity (vibration/frequency). The physical body is composed of many vibrations each with specific purposes or goals in mind. Starting at the molecular level, we experience a single molecule pulsating at its own rhythm. Similar molecules are picking up on this same rhythm and begin to vibrate at the same rate, thereby creating harmony. Pretty soon you have a group of molecules with a specific purpose in mind - say to operate the heart or stomach. Molecules are of a group soul nature, meaning that they tend to go along with the crowd. If a molecule of a different vibration enters the group and begins to convince several of the others to go along with his rhythm, the process of dis-harmony begins. What keeps these negative molecules out of power is your ability to have dominion over your energy system. This ability lies in the focused power of your mind. This example can be taken to micro and macrocosmic levels.
Cyber-Shamanic Music reconnects you to that place in your soul where peace & harmony exist and the power of LOVE is dominant, gently guiding you to remember who you are and giving you back your power to control the realities around you and within you.
© Visionary Music - this article may be shared and copied as long as you leave appropriate credit lines.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
History of Toning
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Quantum K
Click on the link to experience the future of healing through sound, math, vibration, and faith (intent). The experience is totally FREE and completely priceless. Enjoy!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
On the Power & Importance of the Breath
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Waves or Bubbles or Both?
It's crazy how literal we take concepts, like "soundwave," until the concept itself narrows the partial truths that skew everything. The idea of sound bubbles makes so much sense in terms of why toning with a group is so whole-bodily transforming, and for some, even levitating and teleporting.
But I have also seen the energetic tendrils of music coming out of a stereo in the dark. And those were more like dancing filaments of light. So many layers, so many dimensions! So much yet to discover!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Infrasound: An Invisible Influence
A great article on the importance of infrasound, frequencies we can't hear but that affect us nonetheless.